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David's Birthday

  • 8.5 10
  • 2016
  • 18min
David's Birthday
  • Original Title: David's Birthday (2009)

It's David's birthday and his friends have prepared a night out in a hotel room. Between drinks and pizzas emerges the story of a new crush in David's life, something he could only share with his best friends.

David's Birthday


David's Birthday. Pizzas, drinks and love

Baen, Dave and Paf prepared a different night to celebrate the birthday of his friend David. A hotel room, beers and pizza is definitely all these four men need to have good time.

The camera follows the faces, the doubts and the fun within this group of friends and we see that how they react and how they express themselves make every trait of their personality interestingly palpable.

This intimate short documentary focuses on the beauty of friendship in the lives of young adults and how it influences their vision of love.

Olivier Racine
Olivier Racine Director

Production Companies

Olivier Racine

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