This short film premiered at the prestigious IDFA takes us into Ostend's Ibis, a boarding school where children with behavioral problems are subject to a stringent regime.
AWARDS: Grand prize of the jury. Festimages/ Best short documentary under 30 minutes, Sehsüchte/ Best short documentary, Kid's land archive award. Kavalan Shortfilm festival (TW)/ Sedicicorto. Special mention (IT)/ Etudia & Anima. FICC award/ Third place. Cilect/ Canvas Lichtpunt Prize. Het grote ongeduld/ VAF Wildcard. Kortfilmfestival
Children of the sea. Little men in a boarding school
Ostend's Ibis is a boarding school for boys who come from troubled homes or who have behavioural problems. They eat together, sleep together and all wear the same uniform.
Because their home lives lacked structure, the school tries to provide them with an environment where norms and conventions are clearly defined.
The youngest group of boys give their personal and often naïve impressions of the school and of their own homes.