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Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks

  • 0 10
  • 1990
  • 0min
Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks
  • Original Title: Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks

The first <a href="">film</a> made following the nuclear meltdown accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, reactor 4, near Pripyat, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union, on the 26 April 1986, focuses on the immediate aftermath of the disaster and the cleanup effort.

Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks
  • Russian
  • Country: Ukraine
  • Original Title: Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks
Volodya Pravik
Volodya Pravik Director of photography
Vashchik Kolya
Vashchik Kolya Director of photography

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