In a quest for independence, a group of amputees try out a new body with implants at a French rehabilitation center.
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Cinéma du Réel/ Festival A nous de voir/ Rencontres cinématographiques de Gindou/ Festicab/ Parnu Fest
Body Mechanics. A body without gaps
In a rehabilitation centre, recently amputated women and men are training to regain their autonomy. The medical team by their side is busy assisting them in standing again.
Ingenious mechanisms have to fill the gaps. Everyone gets their bearings. Tries, gauges and invents a new body.
Estrenado en la competencia Francesa del prestigios Festival de Cine Documental Cinema Du Réel, este documental del director Matthieu Chatellier es una observación tan cercana como acuciosa sobre la resiliencia humana.