About Memory and Loss

  • 9 10
  • 2022
  • 7min
About Memory and Loss
  • Original Title: Notes sur la mémoire et l’oubli

In an age of constant documentation, we archive our lives meticulously, but what if we lose something essential in the process?

About Memory and Loss

AWARDS: Prix de l’Université Namur, Prix Short Film Corner. Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur/ Sablier d’or meilleur court métrage canadien. Festival Courts d'un Soir/ Prix du Meilleur court métrage. Longue Vue sur le Court

OFFICIAL SELECTION: Cinemania/ FICFA/ Frontdoc/ Hot Docs/ Carrousel du Film de Rimouski/ Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay/ Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma/ FIFEQ-QC

About Memory and Loss - Archiving life: are we losing something?

In an age where we capture, document, record, share, and restart, we make ourselves more memorable than ever by archiving every bit of our daily lives. But amidst this relentless documentation, what if we lose something essential along the way?

This thought-provoking documentary explores the impact of our digital memories on our real-life experiences and the potential loss of the genuine moments that make us truly human.

Amélie Hardy
Amélie Hardy Director

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