A Woman and Her Car

  • 10 10
  • 2015
  • 28min
A Woman and Her Car
  • Original Title: Elle Pis Son Char

Lucie writes a letter to her childhood abuser, determined to deliver it in person and confront her past.

A Woman and Her Car

AWARDS: Scythian Deer. Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival/ Jury prize. Busan International Short Film Festiva/ Goujon Caille: Spotted Catfish. Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival/ Capivara Trophy. Belo Horizonte International Film Festival

OFFICIAL SELECTION: Sundance Film Festival/ Rotterdam International Film Festival/ Poitiers Film Festival/ 

A Woman and Her Car - Lucie confronts her abuser in person

On December 31, 2003, Lucie made a momentous decision. She writes a letter to the man who abused her from the age of 8 to 12 and resolves to deliver it to him in person, no matter where he is. This act of bravery marks the beginning of her journey to confront her past and seek closure.

Loïc Darses
Loïc Darses Director

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