A New Narrative for Europe

  • 9 10
  • 2015
  • 20min
A New Narrative for Europe
  • Original Title: A New Narrative for Europe

European personalities reflect on identity, goals, and socio-economic challenges across cities like Brussels, Copenhagen, and Barcelona.

A New Narrative for Europe

A New Narrative for Europe - Figures discuss identity and challenges

This documentary is a visual testimony through various European cities such as Brussels, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Lisbon, Prague, and The Hague, featuring insightful reflections from prominent European figures.

Personalities like Peter Matjasic, Luisa Taveira, Kathrin Deventer, Paul Dujardin, Ólafur Elíasson, Tomas Sedlacek, and Sneska Quaedvlieg discuss the multifaceted identity, goals, and socio-economic issues that define contemporary Europe.

The film captures the diverse perspectives and shared visions that shape the continent's future.

Production Companies

Carlos Ruiz Carmona

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