Outside The Oranges Are Blooming

  • 9 10
  • 2020
  • 20min
Outside The Oranges Are Blooming
  • Original Title: Lá fora as laranjas estão a nascer

In a fading mountain village, a solitary man grapples with his fate, caught between the misty wilderness and the dark confines of his home.

Outside The Oranges Are Blooming

AWARDS: Best Cinematography. Melbourne International Film Festival/ Special mention. DokuFest Film Festival/ Most Moving Film. Szczecin Film Festival/ Best Editing. Festival Storie Parallele/ Best Cinematography. Festival Storie Parallele/ Juri Special Mention. First Crossings Film Festival

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Doclisboa/ Dok Leipzig/ Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival/ Caminhos do Cinema Português/ Beldocs International Documentary Film Festival/ Vilnius International Film Festival/ Ibero-American Documentary Film Festival/ Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay/ Ethnocineca/ Festival de Málaga/ Dotdotdot - Open Air Kurzfilmfestivals/ Melbourne International Film Festival/ DokuFest Film Festival

Outside The Oranges Are Blooming - A man battles solitude in a vanishing village

High among the mountains, a solitary man ekes out an existence in a village slowly disappearing. He laments his condition as he wanders through the misty natural surroundings and roams the dark, empty halls of his house. He feels trapped, doomed to serve the very environment he has come to reject.

This insightful documentary delves into his introspective journey, capturing the poignant struggle of a man at odds with his isolated existence and the inexorable passage of time.

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