Love Me

  • 9 10
  • 2021
  • 23min
Love Me
  • Original Title: Love Moi

In a world obsessed with image, a teen grapples with attachment disorder and embarks on a heartfelt quest for true love and genuine connection.

Love Me

AWARDS: Prix Roméo - Bourse de la Relève. Gala Prends Ça Court!, Canada/ Coup De Coeur Du Jury. Festival Plein(S) Écran(S)/ Meilleur Court-métrage Documentaire. Festival Émergence/ Mention spéciale, meilleur court-métrage. Festival Les Percéides


OFFICIAL SELECTION: Carrousel du Film de Rimouski/ Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois/ Short Film Cannes Rendez-Vous Industry/ Festival de Cinéma en Abitibi-Témiscamingue/ Filministes/ RIDM/ BUFF Int. Children and Young Film Festival/ Zagreb Dox Documentary Film Festival

Love Me - A teen's quest for love in an image-driven world

Laetitia, nearly seventeen, grapples with an attachment disorder and a deep yearning for love. In a society dominated by image control, this documentary delves into her pursuit of Love with a capital L. Through various forms of self-representation, Laetitia's journey reveals the complexities and challenges of seeking genuine connection.

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