Fifty Steps

  • 9.5 10
  • 2020
  • 54min

An alpine guide, navigates the transforming landscapes of Karakorum, Zermatt, and Chepwa, revealing climate change's toll on sacred mountains and advocating for a shift to environmental stewardship.

Fifty Steps - Mountain conquest to ecological preservation

In this poignant documentary, Michele Cucchi, a devoted alpine guide and rescue worker, takes us on an enlightening journey from the icy expanses of Karakorum to the majestic Alps of Zermatt, and the secluded heights of Chepwa, Nepal. As retreating glaciers unveil historical remnants, Cucchi and a team of experts and locals confront the challenges posed by climate change, advocating for a paradigm shift towards environmental and humanitarian initiatives aimed at preserving these venerable but vulnerable high-altitude ecosystems.

Production Companies

RSI – Televisione Svizzera

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