This animated short film made by six filmmakers evokes one of those inevitable and essential conversations, the one between us and our father.
AWARDS: Special Jury Mention. Croatian Animated Film Festival/ Best Animated Film Award. Days of Croatian Film/ Grand Prix. Golden Kuker/ Best Animated Film in National Competition. In the Palace/ Special Mention. Anibar/ Bulgarian Filmmakers’ Union Award. Varna World Festival of Animated Film/ Best Short Film Award. Anim'est/ Best Director Award. Goldfish Children's Animation Festival/ 2nd Prize in Short Film Category. Expotoons/ Audience Award. Banja Luka Animated Film Festival/ Golden Dove Award for Animated Film. DOK Leipzig/ 1st Prize. Animax Skopje Fest/ Best Animated Film. Golden Rhyton Film Festival/ Best Animated Film. 0110 International Digital Film Festival/ Best Animation Award. Byron Bay International Film Festival/ CIFEJ Prize for the best film for children. Tehran International Animation Festival/ 3rd Prize. Athens Animfest/ Best Animated Film. European Film Festival Lille/ Audience Award. Be There! Corfu Animation Festival/ Special Mention. Gulf Film Festival/ Best Short Film Award. Anifilm International Festival of Animated Films
Father. An inevitable conversation
When did you last talk with your father? Will you ever ask him about those things that hurt you?
In Father, the reality of life is turned upside down to create an impossible dialogue - the dialogue between a child and a father that never happens.